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Welcome to my home page, returning visitors might notice that the same layout that i always use is still present, and yes the site is still written in Haskell.

I was using the whole IHP development suite to work on the site originally, but i have a problem with that framework: its huge and very overkill for what i'm trying to do.

Therefore i've taken to just use pure HSX (XML syntax within haskell code) and just a little bit of wrappers around sqlite to manage the non-static elements.

I know i know its like my 4th rewrite of this website, but i really, really wanted to get rid of python, but IHP is also a bit too big a bite for me at the moment.

So here we are, i've sorted out like the different pages under the app directory, and made like a static directory filled with static files.

The project is managed by cabal, a little build tool i've had to learn myself as i had only gotten experience with pure haskell without libraries from uni.


My name is Thomas Jensen, i'm a graduate student at Aalborg University. I study Software Engineering with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering.

HSX is actually pretty cool, i just toss in html inline with haskell and it just works:

view :: Html
view = [hsx|
	<span>Hello, </span>

index :: Html
index = [hsx|
I had to do a little hack around the preprocessor to make it not compile that little snippet of code, and as such you won't see me show any more hsx code xD
Running the above code:
